Reviews from teachers

Fatma Al Habib review
About five months ago, I began my journey at MAQBS as a high school English teacher. I had no clue what to expect because no one I knew in Kuwait had ever heard of this school. In fact, whenever I would ask around about a bilingual school in Dasma, friends would respond with: “you mean Dasman, as in Dasman Bilingual School, right?”
With very little information about the school, I joined MAQBS in August of 2022 simply hoping to work in a professionally respectful space alongside my colleagues. Fortunately, this is what I found, and, perhaps, even more than that, I found kindness and humility from all of those that I encountered at my new place of work. Additionally, I must note that I’ve been overall impressed by how respectful the students have been, both inside and outside the classroom.
As such, I’m happy to say that MAQBS has met my professional expectations, and I hope to continue to work alongside my colleagues to create the best academic and social environment for our stu…

Musa Niyathi
I joined the Kindergarten section at MAQBS in the month of October 2022. I can honestly say that I do enjoy my job.
There is nothing more inspiring than to see the face of a child who has mastered a new skill or conquered a challenge.
It is my pleasure and honor to have an impact in the formative time of a child’s brain development. Every morning before we resume school activities, I remind myself that early learning experiences are crucial factors for emotional, cognitive, social, physical, and intellectual development. This fact on its own boosts my spirit and energy to exercise patience, fairness, caution, and integrity to be able to contribute positively to the lifelong education journey for each tiny individual that I associate with. I endeavor to do my best even in the tiniest duties assigned and entrusted to me by the school authorities.

Zeina Zahkhour
I am Zeina Zakhour, a KG homeroom teacher. I have 15 years of teaching experience. It’s my first year teaching at MAQBS. I am so proud to be one of the MAQBS school family. Working in MAQBS during the past months has enriched my experience a lot. I have learned so much from my Vice Principal, the other teachers, and the PDs that the school is providing for us. Teaching in MAQBS means developing the student’s academic and educational skills and their self-confidence by teaching them how to express themselves, enriching their critical skills, and letting them participate in different events.
It means providing a safe, happy, and healthy family environment for them.

Mansour Alsoufi
منصور الصوفي
معلم أول لغة عربية للمرحلة الثانوية ، والحاصل على كلية دار العلوم ( جامعة القاهرة ) وشهادة عالية القراءات ( نظام الخمس سنوات ) ، وقد أمضيت ست سنوات في مدرسة الشهيدة أسرار القبندي ( 30 نوفمبر 2017 م ) متفان في عملي ، أحب روح الود والاحترام السائد بين جميع المعلمين كوني أجد نفسي في منزلي وبين أسرتي الكبيرة ، كذلك أشعر بأنني أخ لجميع الطلاب.

Eatimad Jaber
.أنا اعتماد ، أعمل في مدرسة أسرار القبندي ثنائية اللغة كمساعدة معلمة للصف الأول وأشعر بالفخر أني عضو في هذه المدرسة الرائعة بإدارتها ومعلميها وطلبتها المبدعين
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