Welcome To Kindergarten
Dear Parents,
Welcome to the KG department of Martyr Asrar Al Qabandi Bilingual School. We believe that every day in school brings endless exciting opportunities and everlasting discovery.Our teachers use a method based on realization to get our students educated. KG is considered as an early stage of childhood educational growing. Our learning environment ingenuity meets the different needs of each child.
We aim to provide a joyful learning environment in order to foster each child’s positive identity as a curious and capable learner. Our reading program consists of using the balance literacy approach such as: the names and sounds of letters, reading high frequency and word families words, read aloud, shared reading and guided reading. Our writing program includes the students learning to write their names, form letters and write basic words and sentences. The math program includes the students learning to count, one to one correspondence, shapes, colors, basic addition and subtraction. Our fine arts program consists of an art, music, physical education and media class. Students will be able to develop their creative talents through the art and music classes.