Re-enrollment 2022-23admin2022-01-09T12:20:33+03:00 Re-enrollment 2022-23Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Student's InformationStudent Name *Student's Civil ID Current Grade *KG1 AKG1 BKG1 CKG2 AKG2 BKG2 CGrade 1 AGrade 1 BGrade 1 CGrade 2 AGrade 2 BGrade 2 CGrade 3 AGrade 3 BGrade 3 CGrade 4 AGrade 4 BGrade 4 CGrade 5 AGrade 5 BGrade 6 AGrade 6 BGrade 7 AGrade 7 BGrade 8 AGrade 8 BGrade 9 AGrade 9 BGrade 10 AGrade 10 BGrade 11 AGrade 11 BGrade next year *KG1KG2Grade 1Grade 2Grade 3Grade 4Grade 5Grade 6Grade 7Grade 8Grade 9Grade 10Grade 11Grade 12(acceptance for this grade is subject to satisfactory completion of current grade)Parent's InformationFather's Name *Father's Civil ID *Father's Place of work-Employer *Father's Mobile no. *Telecom Company Name *ZainSTCOordeooEmail *Mother's Name *Mother's Civil ID *Mother's Place of work-EmployerMother's Mobile no. *Telecom Company Name *ZainSTCOordeooMother's Email *AddressArea *Block *Street *Avenue House/Apartment No. *Building No. Home Phone no.Emergency Contact1-Name *Relation *Phone no. *2. NameRelation *Phone no. *In divorce cases, please give the following information:Who has legal custody?With whom does the student reside?Name of stepfather or stepmother (if any)Who will be financially responsible for the student?FatherGuardianCompanyGovernmentother*You must submit a copy of the custody & educational custody documents to the school Student's PhotoYesNoDo you allow the school to post photos of your son/daughter on our media and registration advertisements for the school internally and externally during any occasion or special event for the school or for announcements of registration on all social media sites and daily newspapers, etc?School Activities and TripsYesNoDo you allow your child to participate in all school activities and trips? (individual letters will be distributed too)Leaving School PolicyIn case the parent/guardian is not available to take the student home, please fill the information of the person who will take the student home: 1-NameRelationCivil ID NoMobile no.2. NameRelationCivil ID NoMobile no. Checkbox Items *I, the parent / legitimate guardian of the student named above hereby confirm this registration /re-enrollment request for the academic year 2021-2022. I have read and accepted the financial terms and policy, I pledge to pay all fees and dues on time and I am aware of the consequences if I do not pay.Submit After submitting for payment click here. . Make Payment